
About the Artist

I’m a Takoma Artery artist and frequently visits various favorite shops and restaurants in Takoma Park. I mostly paint with acrylics and gouache favoring a vibrant palette with heavily saturated contrasting hues that aim to ‘pop.’ I sometimes integrate mixed media – paper, or wood pieces, on wood. Although wood boards are a favorite surface, I sometimes use, as my canvas, found objects like old color televisions. My color magnetic ‘mood board’ art aims to be both visually appealing and physically interactive to engage the viewer and to be mood altering (or conversely, the art itself altered according to your mood). This connects with my life beyond the canvas where I see a potential for art and interactive design as transformative tools to envision, or reimagine, solutions to complex health and social challenges. Acrylic paint facilitates accelerated reframes of patterns, or reimagined brighter visions. This process is also kind of ‘color therapy’ and brings me joy, especially if it brightens a space or mood, or sparks imagine for other people.

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