Stephanie Ney

Takomaartery/ April 6, 2022/

Stephanie Ney is an artist and teacher who lives and works in Takoma Park, MD. She is a graduate of the Cooper Union in New York City where she earned a BFA and also a graduate of  the University of Maryland, College Park, where she earned an MFA.   She has developed and taught art programs at the Smithsonian Associates

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Merlene Mazyck

Takomaartery/ April 6, 2022/

Painting is an act of love for me. Came to the medium after 60 when my daughter gifted me a set of acrylic paints and challenged me to stop talking about it and just do it. Signed up for a class at TP municipal building with Alice Sims, one of the artists featured on this site, shortly thereafter to learn

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Tuula Ehn Smith

Takomaartery/ November 8, 2021/

Art has been part of my life since childhood. As I learned to paint, I quickly developed an interest in human form, and have painted mostly portraits ever since. My favorite mediums are oil on canvas, charcoal and pastel on paper.   I use multiple photographs as my model, so in-person sitting/posing is optional. Feel free to get in touch

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